Vancouver Island books

IMagine cover Vancouver Island: Imagine

Album of photos by Boomer Jerritt; my curation and text; includes an album of archival images; 128 pages. Lunenburg NS: MacIntyre Purcell Publishing, 2014. Sample.

Vancouver Island Book of Musts

Travel guide. MacIntyre Purcell, second edition, 2017. Sample.

BOE cover loVancouver Island Book of Everything

Compendium of current and historical information; 232 pages. MacIntyre Purcell, second edition, 2015. Sample.

Wish coverWish You Were Here: Life on Vancouver Island in Historical Postcards

More than 200 real-photo postcard images from the Edwardian era, with historical texts; 178 pages. Victoria: Touchwood Editions, 2002. Sample.

Sidney coverThe Story of Sidney

Photo history, 96 pages. Victoria: Porthole Press, 1997. Sample.

Vic Hist coverVictoria a History in Photographs

112 pages. Canmore Alberta: Altitude Publishing, 1995; Victoria: Heritage House, 2010. Sample.

Vic StoS coverVictoria from Sidney to Sooke: An Altitude CityGuide

164 pages; Altitude Publishing, 1994; out of print. Sample.

4 thoughts on “Vancouver Island books”

  1. Hello Peter:

    I figured it’s about time we touched bases especially after my research down at Oak Bay Archives came up with 37 homes my grandparents, Edith and Robert “Bert” Burrows, built throughout 1937-1952. (These were all rather the more mundane, middle class homes that get passed over and not recognized.)
    Also, I see you’re doing a book on Henry Esson Young. Most interesting, since I was just talkin’ with one of my writing buds up here in Comox Valley, David Young, who said he wasn’t bothering with writing up a bio of his grandfather after all?? So have you been in contact with him?
    Then you write up of shipwrecks off Oak Bay too, so have you laisioned with ‘our’ Underwater Archaeological Society of B.C. explorations director, Jacques Marc, there over in Langford? Of course, you must be aware of one of the society’s first reports: “Shipwrecks of Southern Vancouver Island.” Speaking of which, danged if we’ve been able to find the last of the paddlewheeler “Enterprise” that was supposed to have been beached in Cadboro Bay after her wrecking Haro Strait.

    Rick James, class of O.B.HS. 1965
    n.b. and my latest out mid-October: “Don’t Never Tell Nobody Nothin’ Nohow: The Real Story of West Coast Rum Running” Harbour Publishing.

    1. Thanks for your news (just now discovered:-( and congrats on your publication. Discovery Island, right? Henry Esson Young is stalled =sigh= at 1904 because his political career was immense — who gets a community named after them? — and its end was fallout from a lawsuit that went to the Privy Council court in London, twice. Bribery was the rap, and Dr Young resigned. Then there is his immense career as Provincial Health Officer 1916-36, with its many innovations in public health and health care education. David Young, check, on my list. Enjoyed the narrative of the Lady Rose and Uchuck years. Think he told me about the speaking tubes and central vacuum system at 1208 Oliver. Gave a talk to the Underwater Archaeology Society about the wreck of the Clallam in 1904, very well received. Got some interesting information about the sand dunes below the dread Trial Island Races. The Clallam’s superstructure was on the beach at Cadboro Bay, too. They said all that would be left now of the hull (sank off Smith Id) is the metal. Cheers!

  2. ‘Peter
    I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask you a question but I’m not sure how else to contact you. I had asked of the Sidney Museum if they were aware of any books written about Sidney that would have information about the glass factory there that was the source of the glass at Seaglass Beach. The reason is that my great-nephew had such a great time collecting glass when he was here from Alberta that I thought it would make a good Christmas present if there was such a book. The guy at the museum said the glass actually came from people dumping glass there, contrary to the other story but he referred me to Tanner’s Books and that’s where I found out about The Story of Sidney which they said is out-of-print but which might contain information about the industrial background. Before I pursue trying to find your book I wonder if you could tell me if it does contain anything about either a glass factory or a ceramics factory as I love collecting the broken ceramics there. Thank you!

    1. As a communication device, comments are iffy. Hope you get this! (More direct: petergrant(at)shaw(dot)ca.) There’s good news and bad news. The bad news is, there’s no mention of a glass factory in The Story of Sidney. I went into the extensive folder of historical information that Moran Brethour gave me and there’s nothing there either. Perhaps you could try searches in old newspapers, like the excellent, free The good news is, I still have a few copies left of The Story of Sidney!

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